#interview heraldpop


(TRANS ) 161230 — interview with heraldpop (part one)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromheraldpop by park ahreum
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“I [Woo Dohwan] still can’t believe that I worked with Lee Byeonghun and Kang Dongwon sunbaenim.”

There’s an eye-catching new rookie actor. He showed off an unusual presence as Kim Wansik, an employee of Dada Finance, in the recently finished KBS 2TV Mon-Tues drama ‘The Man Living in Our House’, and left a strong impression on viewers through the role of Snapback, who stands on President Jin’s (Lee Byeonghun) side in the highly praised film 'Master’ which is currently showing in theaters. 'He’ is rookie actor, Woo Dohwan.

His name is unfamiliar [to the reporter]. It should be the same for you too, seeing as he only debuted this year, and 'The Man Living in Our House’ and 'Master’ are all that’s on the filmography of his acting career. Woo Dohwan says that the number of people who recognize him increasing one by one is something that gives him, who is only just taking his first steps as an actor, more strength.

“If I’m [Woo Dohwan] at the cafe in front of my house, people ask me 'aren’t you the person from the drama[s]?’. It’s so embarrassing. Since this [acting] wasn’t something that I started with becoming popular in mind, I’m very thankful to have someone recognize me and tell me that they’re watching [his dramas] eagerly. I think about how 'I have to work even harder’ because of the people who recognize me, press 'like’ on my sns [instagram posts] or search my name [on portal sites].”

Coincidentally, Woo Dohwan took on villainous roles in both his first drama production and first challenge on the big screen leaving a strong impact [on viewers], and successfully wrapping up his induction [into the industry]. His actual personality is very different to Kim Wansik from 'The Man Living in Our House’ who was brusque and cold [personality]. He [Woo Dohwan in real life] almost never fights with his friends because of his bright personality. On top of that, once you get to know him, he’s actually a normal guy who likes coffee more than alcohol, keeps a journal, reads books and exercises. That’s why he wanted to play the role of Kim Wansik even more.

“I [Woo Dohwan] filmed 'Master’ before 'The Man Living in Our House’, and the director told me that the reason why he cast me was because he was "looking for [someone]  young but with a sharp image”. He said that he cast me while he was looking for someone who had a sharp contrast between when they smiled [laughed] and when they were straight faced. That’s why I really wanted to play the role of Wansik in 'The Man Living in Our House’ as well. Wansik has a side of him that seems light, but is heavy, and is light while seemingly appearing to be heavy. That probably made you think 'what is this kid?’ when you watch him [and see how different he is when] dealing with Go Nangil (Kim Youngkwang), or Bae Byungwoo (Park Sangmyun), or Hong Nari (Soo Ae). I thought he [Wansik] was a charming character because of the feeling that I got. I thought of him not a villainous role, but as a character that was 'human’ [relatable]. I think that’s why I showed a lot of passion to show that I really wanted to play the part when I went to audition.“

He was not 100% satisfied [with his acting], of course. It was also super awkward, since it was his first time seeing himself acting on TV.

"I felt that I was really lacking. I always caught the live broadcasts. If I couldn’t watch it because of filming, I would either watch it through the app during the waiting time, or watch it at home - but I always disappointed. I felt like I was really lacking because it was my first time watching myself [on tv]. But still, I gained strength when I told myself [things like] 'let’s do better on the next scene’, or 'let’s do better tomorrow’ while I monitored [himself].

“Personally, I have more grievances about my acting than I do with my looks. I didn’t think to myself that my acting was satisfactory. Even when I thought think that I did my best, there would be a great sense of regret after I monitored [his own acting]. Because of the great amount of disappointment [in his previous scenes], I think I came to obsess over the next scene even more, and thought more about how I have to express [his feelings] more clearly in the next scene and that I have to be more immersed in acting.”

Because it was his first time acting, there were several times when he made NG’s. Woo Dohwan said "Mistakes? Of course I made them. I had NG’s as well. But making NG’s became a piece of cake [easy to get over]. Since I’m still a rookie, and because it’s my first drama and film, it [causing an NG] felt like I was doing something really bad. But when I made an NG, the sunbaenims and directors would encourage me, telling me that it was okay, and gave me advice - which made me feel like we were a family. They all [treated him in a way that] allowed me to do better, and didn’t give me any sort of pressure. Despite the fact that I’m a rookie, the director would always ask me 'how do you want to do it?’, and was very considerate of me” recalling the memories of when they were filming.

Even though he had a bromance with Kim Youngkwang in 'The Man Living in Our House’, he didn’t have any love lines with female actresses. About this, he [Woo Dohwan] said “I would like to try it [having a love line] if I get the chance. But I’m not picky with things like genres. Right now, I just want to experience more [things]. Whether that be love lines, but [acting in a] bromance was really fun as well. Regardless of genre, I just want to experience a variety of things. If I get the chance I would like to challenge romance comedies as well” revealing his desire for a love line. We asked about [what if he] working with his university senior, actor Park Boyoung, Woo Dohwan smiled brightly saying that “It would be a huge honor, of course”.

Romance is romance, but bromance was one of many subjects that aspiring actor Woo Dohwan wanted to conquer. We asked him who he wanted to work with.

“I haven’t decided who in particular I want to film a bromance with. Like how it was with (Kim) Youngkwang hyung, I want to work with a lot of seniors while [he is persuing] acting. It was honestly really great when I worked with Youngkwang hyung. He took care of me, and we talked a lot. I don’t think I’ve set anyone in particular in mind because I’m curious as to how other senior actors approach acting.“

Action is also another thing that Woo Dohwan wants to challenge. Having enjoyed sports since he was young, he, who has experience in soccer, boxing, and swimming etc said that "I attended action school for a bit when I was 21 years old. If I get the chance, I definitely want to try action. [Only] When I will be able to do well. I really like the gratifying and thrilling feeling from action films and dramas.”

Woo Dohwan is a rookie actor with quite a lot of 'luck for actors’. That’s because he worked with top stars like Soo Ae, Lee Byeonghun, Kang Dongwon, Kim Woobin etc right from his first production.

About this, he [Woo Dohwan] started by saying that "It was really nice. They’re all senior actors that I really like. They are people that I always looked up to even before I started acting” and mentioned Soo Ae first, saying “Soo Ae sunbaenim is really amazing. She’s really beautiful, and her acting is [so amazing] to the point where nothing needs to be said. She’s someone that I’ve always thought of as the ideal [example] for any actor. Whether it’s her pronunciation, diction or delivery, Soo Ae sunbaenim is really the best. I think she really makes you understand why pronunciation is so important for actors.”

Regarding his appearance in 'Master’, he [Woo Dohwan] relayed, “We went to Manila, Philippines to film 'Master’. Since it was my first time overseas, I even made a passport. That’s why every day we filmed for 'Master’ was always something special to me. Being in the same space as those sunbaenims in itself was like a miracle, and unbelievable. I was still in disbelief during the last VIP screening. To think that I appeared in a movie with the best senior actors, the sunbaenims who I had only been looking up to. I was also always learning on set. Everything from how they [his seniors] dealt with being on set, how they approached acting, to how they looked after staff members was something to learn from.”
